about me

I'm a high school student from Sydney. I love Sydney.

And my home country.

Other than fooling around, I love D.I.Ying around, making (or trying to make) this or that or lots of other cool stuffs, from cool do-it-yourself blogs.
Or messing around with my sister.

I like school. Well I guess unless it's boring.

10 Random Facts About Me.
1. I'm a proud Aussie-born Asian.

2. I don't like ice-skating. I LOVE IT!

3. I like everything being neat & orderly,
 but like being messy myself.

4. I'm a fast talker (:

5. I'm a total purple supporter. (w00t! go purple!)

6. I'm too hyper-active.

7. I list my thoughts in my mind....
and after 10 minutes, I try to recover my memory.

8. I'm a Smurfs fan too!

9. I love dogs and birds, but I'm not sure when I'll get one.

10. My birthday is June the 24th.

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